Monday, July 12, 2010

Thoughts for today

So I've been thinking about the verse in the bible "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Yes, it is this topic again). And I was thinking, you know, what of the people that I really don't get along with? Or the people that I really don't like? (Yes, I admit, I am human. There are people I don't like. lol) But what am I supposed to do about it? Am I supposed to pretend to be there friend but still not like them? I mean, yes, I know I'm not supposed to not like anyone. But there are some people that I just don't get along with. Maybe the way to love them like myself is to avoid them, so as to not get on their nerves? lol, probably not. But am I supposed to pretend to get along with them, when I really don't? Isn't that being two-faced? I hate it when people pretend to be my friend, then I find out that they really aren't. With some of them, I just avoid them, with others, I pretend to be their friends. And I really do try to get along with them. I guess the best way is to just show love, even if you don't feel it? Or make yourself like them? I'm not sure. Any thoughts?

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